Annual Fall Sale Catalog | November 14-16, 2019

November 14-16, 2019
This sale will be certain to draw interest from all corners of the world. With the second half of the world class Samuel Downey Jr collection highlighting the auction, fine European tinplate will certainly be a big draw for the weekend. Boats, trains, toys, motorcycles, and battery-op toys will all hit the podium. Accompanying selections of pressed steel and a huge assortment of cast iron toys, over 250 mechanical & still banks, near mint comic character toys, figural cast iron items, Holiday and more will surely prove to be an event worth attending.
Order the Bertoia Auctions November 2019 antique toy auction catalog. Complete with brightly color photographs of each item, price estimations and descriptions, sale times, and all bidding information. An absentee bid form is available in the back of the book for those who cannot attend the sale.


42 in stock